Appealing to all your clients’ senses

There are thousands of beautiful salons out there, many the result of huge investment, with no expense spared on creating a stunning looking space that will draw clients from far and wide. But sight is not the only sense that clients will use to judge your brand. A successful salon brand will appeal to all five senses, creating a positive lasting impression.

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There’s no arguing that visual appeal is vital. Along with all the other visual elements of your salon, including the materials you choose for the floors and ceilings and the design of your furniture and fittings, think about the colour scheme. Different colours are known to evoke different moods in people. Yellow, for example, is an uplifting colour, promoting cheerfulness, while blues and greens are calming. Even just subtle accents of these colours could help create a feeling a wellbeing in your salon. 


A salon playlist should be about what will appeal to the clients, not the team. No-one knows your clients as well as you do. Pick background music that will have a positive impact on their visit, whether its uplifting pop or relaxing new age instrumental. It’s fine to mix it up a bit, maybe opting for more upbeat tracks on a Friday evening to help get clients in the weekend mood. Also, think about conversation. Having banter between team members is great for creating a fun atmosphere, but it can become too much and leave the client feeling excluded. It’s all about finding the right balance.


Gone are the days of a tepid cup of tea and a Bourbon biscuit representing the beginning and end of a salon’s refreshments menu. Appeal to clients’ sense of taste with a selection of hot and cold drinks, including herbal ad fruit infusions. And look to offer a tasty cake or chocolate with any beverage served. Sweets in the waiting area are another nice touch.


This mainly comes down to client comfort, ensuring the design of your backwash chairs and styling stations are as much about making the client feel relaxed and comfortable as looking stylish. 


Often neglected, smell is actually the most emotive sense when it comes emotions and memory. Think about your brand and what would make a great signature fragrance. Citrus fragrances like orange and grapefruit are known to be uplifting and encourage conversation, while bergamot and jasmine are calming. There’s a variety of ways you can introduce fragrances into your salon, including scented candles, diffusers and oil burners.