Post-holiday Hair – You are the Experts

Right now, many of your clients will be enjoying a well-deserved break in the sun, but before you know it, they will be coming to you with a host of post-holiday hair needs.

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Towards the end of August start thinking about the effect sun exposure, sea water and chlorine will have had on our clients’ hair and be ready to offer them solutions – and make them aware that you have them.

Creating displays of products designed to revive hair that has been through two weeks of sun, sea and sand is a great way of not only encouraging retail sales, but also letting clients know that

you are the hair experts. If you send out email newsletters to clients, make sure you promote your post-holiday hair products and services – you could suggest booking in for some hair rehab!

If you know a client has recently returned from holiday, use the consultation to point out any damage that nay have been done to their hair, and suggest in-salon treatments and homecare that could help. Remember, it’s not selling, its recommending.