A Great Start to 2018

We’ve had an exciting first month of 2018. We have some amazing clients on board now, all with great stories to tell. We spent January ensuring all of them were quoted across all the major hairdressing trade magazines and websites, sharing their knowledge and promoting some incredible products.

One of the highlights of January has to be our trip to Italy to see the head office and factory of Alter Ego Italy and met the team behind this pioneering brand.

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Walking round the factory we saw first-hand the care and expertise that goes into creating every product in the range – plus it must be one of the best smelling factories in Italy! Well worth putting on a white coat and hair net for.

While we were at the brand’s head office we got to meet some of the educators from around the globe, who were there for several days of ‘train the trainer’ sessions, learning about some of the new products and services and the techniques that go with them. The passion of these talented hairdressers was inspiring, and made us even more excited about working with Alter Ego Italy in the UK.

We also got to hear about future launches for the brand – and we can tell you, there’s a lot and they are all going to create a real buzz in the UK hairdressing world.

With such a great start to the year, we can’t wait to see what the rest of 2018 has in store for RedMane Media and all our fabulous clients.