Make it a Merry and Prosperous Christmas and New Year

This will probably be our last blog of 2017, as we know most of you will be too busy to read any between now and New Year!

With a huge proportion of your clients likely to visit you in the next few weeks, it a great time to make sure they stay loyal in 2018. The festive season doesn’t just offer huge earning potential, it’s a massive PR opportunity, but make sure the positive repercussions are long-term and don’t fizzle out when the fairy lights go out.

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Ensure your team are all briefed on the standards of service that are expected, even when they are rushed off their feet. Christmas is not a time to let standards drop. It’s a time to show just what you can offer. Many clients coming in at this time of year might not be regular visitors, but want a festive treat. If you can demonstrate why it’s worth them visiting a salon more often, you may gain a regular client.

You could offer some of your regular clients a Christmas gift of a free treatment in January. They will see it as an act of kindness, and it will also get them back into the salon early in 2018.

Why not come to an agreement with a local bakery to offer some of their more festive fare – mince pies or stolen, for example – along with the usual refreshments. Its good publicity for another local business and helps you make your clients feel special, at what can be a stressful time. If the arrangement works, you could work together again and help each other prosper.

Whatever you do, we hope you have a fantastic and prosperous Christmas, and we look forward to chatting more in 2018!